MRTech prices

IFF SDK standard License Options and Indicative Quotes




Intended for:

License Terms (1):

Target Hardware (2):

Delivery type:


Number of installations:

Entrance Fee (3):

License Fee:

Standard support (4):

Support cost:

Trial period:




R&D, system prototyping


Any configuration

In binary

1 year

As agreed

€4 000

€5 700

Support included

3 months







Specific configuration

In binary


As purchased

€4 000

Step price

Annual support

25% of EF + LF (5)

3 months





Large scale production


Specific configuration

In binary


Agreed large number

€4 000

Fixed price

Annual support

25% of EF + LF

up to 6 months



Please request a fully-functional IFF SDK trial version




  1. MRTech SK grants the right to use IFF SDK under the MRTech Standard License Agreement and its Appendices, which together establish the terms and conditions of IFF SDK use. IFF SDK is licensed on the terms of an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, not sold.
  2. Target hardware defines the system configuration for licensing purposes:
    – Any configuration means the right to use IFF SDK with any supported cameras and sensors, and HW platforms that are supported by IFF SDK.
    – Specific configuration means selected machine vision camera models, MIPI sensors and selected HW platform that includes CPU architecture, operating system, GPU architecture such as NVIDIA Ampere, or selected NVIDIA Jetson module.
  3. The IFF SDK prices consist of two parts – Entrance Fee and Licence Fee:
     – Entrance Fee (EF) defines the cost of access to MRTech imaging technologies and is paid once.
     – License Fee (LF) is essentially the cost of the license, which may depend on the purpose of the system, target hardware configuration, the duration of the license, and the number of installations.
  4. Standard support includes:
    – IFF SDK integration support, consulting, assistance with project implementation based on MRTech know-how and best practices.
    – Ongoing IFF SDK updates, bug fixes, and adding functionality on request (upon agreement).
  5. There is a lower limit of €3 000 on the support cost for the Deployment license option.
All prices listed on this page are indicative and subject to change.

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Latest IFF SDK Color Study release

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Project work and services

On request, MRTech SK provides customers with Non-Recurring Engineering (NRE) service that usually includes specific hardware and software project work, application development, SDK customization, design of specialized processing modules, etc.

The project cost typically starts at €8 000

Machine Vision systems

Image processing on Jetson

Multi-camera systems